About the journal

Manifestation is quite the catchphrase, but as long as humans have been around, manifesting has been part of our makeup. We manifest constantly. The word "manifestation" means creating something or turning something from an idea into a reality and in its simplest form, manifesting means using our thoughts, feelings, and beliefs to bring something to our physical reality. My wish for you is that within the pages of this journal, you have the courage to write, draw or doodle that which makes your heart sing with joy. Yes, it may seem a little scary and daunting, but when you start to believe that you are worthy of your dream, you will find that taking action towards making it happen become not only necessary but exciting. Then, you fall into alignment with that which you desire. I leave you with this: suspend your disbelief, step into alignment with your perfectly imperfect self and ask yourself, "What makes my heart soar?"

- Lieselle